
Vision Event, London 2-3 June 2015 – Amphibious And Flood-Resilient Homes Workshop

During the UK’s most recent floods we have been inundated with enquires from news agencies from across Europe asking whether the threat of water can be mitigated. We believe it can, but only through an integrated approach that makes space for water alongside resilience and traditional defences.


A home for the flood resilient property showcase has been found at the BRE innovation park. Baca are now working with the BRE and industry experts to deliver this demonstration for the end of 2016.


After 2 years of writing and preparation ‘Aquatecture: Buildings and cities designed to live and work with water’ by Baca Directors’ Robert Barker and Richard Coutts (consisting of 50,000 words with over 500 illustrations) has gone to print. The book brings together over 10 years of research by the authors with exciting case studies from around the world. Early reviews have been very positive.


“This book will make a fascinating read for all those concerned with planning, architecture, design and engineering… by turning water into an opportunity rather than a risk.” Professor Chris Zevenbergen, UNESCO-IHE


Aquatecture is an exciting contribution to the growing body of literature on how applying water-conscious design allows us not just to live with water, but to thrive with water.’ Elizabeth C. English, University of Waterloo School of Architecture, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada


 “This book is an important contribution to meeting the challenges that climate change is providing to the built environment as it encourages new developments to be resilient, sustainable and attractive.” Dr Stephen Garvin, Director, BRE Centre for Resilience


“Defra wants to see more resilient places, where local people have the ability to reduce, prevent and cope with floods. This book can help professionals in the construction world understand what can be done to help this happen.” Robbie Craig, Defra Policy Official


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Water Lane, a recently complete elevated house in Oxfordshire:







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