The LifE Project

Vision Event, London 2-3 June 2015 – Amphibious And Flood-Resilient Homes Workshop

Baca has been awarded the RIBA President’s Award for Outstanding Professional Practice-located Research for its project LifE (Long-term Initiatives for Flood-risk Environments), about which the judges commented: ‘The documents communicate well, are skillfully illustrated, and are easy to navigate, serving as valuable reference for practitioners and students who must deal with the urgent pressures from climate change and the demand for secure and affordable housing.


Concrete and Tangible Outputs

More recently our work for The London Borough of ‘Suttons Climate Adaptation Action Plan’ has been announced as one of the best EU projects, and used to illustrate the success of INTERREG IVC Projects to the EU Commission and other EU Member States. Baca designed & developed the Blue Infrastructure toolkit, which along the Greenspace toolkit (Global to Local) and the Climate Change Risk and Vulnerabilities Assessment (Manchester University) constitute the main outputs of Suttons Climate Adaptation Action Plan (Adopted Policy 2012).


For our CAN (Climate Adaptive Neighbourhoods) Project for the UK government we are exploring water stress and hazard to explore climate change impacts at a high resolution, equivalent of UK’s robust details, for a residential scheme in the north of the UK.


Recent books include: ‘Cities and Flooding, A Guide to integrated Risk Management in the 21st Century’ for the World Bank, and the LiFE Project and LiFE Handbook for Defra.












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