Planning Secured For New Mews In Fulham

Planning has been secured for a new development of eight houses on a highly complex site in Fulham. Like a 3D architectural game of Tetris, Baca has managed to find an optimal solution that not only relocates an existing sub-station, but also manages to accommodate eight generous houses with ample outside amenity space and natural daylight through out.


The smart plan works by locating the main open plan living space below ground level, with lightwells at one end and huge pavements at the other. The central courtyard is raised above the basements to create a shared amenity space, also reducing the height of the surrounding buildings to only two-storeys. The main private amenity space for each dwelling is located at first floor, in a slot between each building. These allow sunlight between the units deep into the courtyard to create a light-filled space, despite the density of the surroundings.


The buildings will be of brick construction with curved zinc roofs that drop down to the boundaries to improve the outlook for neighbouring residents, without compromising the quality of the space inside.

The development will commence on site later in 2015 with the aim to be completed in early 2017.




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