Hear Baca Here... Speaking Engagements

Following the transmission of the Amphibious House on C4’s Grand Designs and the subsequent number of enquiries into where people can catch Baca Architects speaking and lecturing at events, a diary of forthcoming engagements has been created.


A list of current speaking engagements is included below, with further details to follow as each event approaches: RIBA Masterclass: Floating Houses and Flood Resistant Homes 25th November 2014 Richard Coutts will be one of the leading experts discussing climate change and how to build to reduce the damage caused by flooding. Tickets are available to be bought by clicking here.


Resilience 14 – BRE Watford 26th November 2014 The Britain Under Water seminar will highlight the latest thinking on flood issues and examine ways to incentivise flood-resilient behaviour, insurance, flood-resilient construction, and what can be learned from other countries. Robert Barker will be presenting the new Flood Resilient Property Handbook, produced by Baca, BRE and Aquobex for Defra. For more information, please click here.


Flood Defence Expo 4th-5th December 2014 Three Baca representatives will be speaking at the Conference, a problem solving and solutions exhibition featuring many of the world’s leading flood prevention companies as exhibitors, alongside an extensive seminar and workshop schedule highlighting new, cost-effective ways to prevent and manage floods. Robert Barker – Aquatecture – Flood-proof cities and water place-making Richard Coutts – LifE Initiatives – Designing for Climate Change and Flood-risk Riccardo Pellizzon – Future Housing – Amphibious, Elevated and Flood-Resilient Designs Baca will be hosting a live workshop each lunchtime, to masterplan in flood-risk areas using the award-winning Blue Infrastructure Toolkit. Baca will also be hosting a stand at the event if you wish to talk to one of their experts at the show. To book a free ticket to the event at Excel in London, please click here.


Vision London 2nd-3rd June 2015 Vision is a new annual event for communities to discuss, debate and showcase the latest innovations and developments in architecture, design and the built environment. Richard Coutts will be talking in the Innovations in Architecture and Design stream about the Amphibious House and other water-related projects.


ICAADE – Amphibious Architecture, Design and Engineering 26th-29th August 2015, Bangkok, Thailand Robert Barker will be a keynote speaker at the first International Conference on Amphibious Architecture, Design and Engineering. For more information, please click here.






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